Explore the Ultimate NaPali Cruise
#1 on Kauai Guide books and more!
Enter Multiple Sea caves
Smaller Crowds
Family Fun

Na Pali Coast of Kauai. Giant mountain peaks tower straight out of the ocean.
The Na Pali Coast a Unique Coastline
“Na Pali” in the Hawaiian language simply means “The Cliffs”. It is easy to see why when you get here, as there are more cliffs from sea level to 4,000 feet above than one can count. This makes for a very dramatic coastline that is perfect for photographers, adventure seekers, and anyone who likes to marvel at our planet’s beauty.
This 17-mile stretch of coast goes along the northwest border of Kauai from Ke’e beach in the north to Polihale in the south. Along that way you see the landscape change from a thick jungle canopy in the north to a dry and sparsely vegetated red-dirt scene in the south.
Hollywood has taken notice here – there are many films that have showcased the Na Pali coast on the silver screen. Most recently was the film “Jurassic World”, with many others such as “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “King Kong” having been filmed here.

You can only explore the full coastline by boat or Air.
There are a few options to exploring the Na Pali Coast when visiting Kauai. You can see it by either foot, helicopter, or boat. We feel that seeing it by boat is the best way possible! Why?
- Seeing by foot is very slow and difficult, as the trail into Kalalau from Ke’e is rated one of the toughest in all of the Hawaiian Islands. Even if you are in good shape, the trail ends at Kalalau, leaving over 1/3 of the coastline inaccessible.
- You can see the entire coastline by helicopter, but you are at such a large distance away in much shorter time. But it might not be a bad idea to see it both ways. As a Native, I have never seen it by Air.
- By boat (with us), you have all the amenities you need on a 4.5 to 5 hours of fun. We provide you with lunch, local juices, soft drinks, full snorkel gear if you prefer to swim, and much more. On the way you will see and enter waterfalls, enter sea caves, see playful dolphins, Sea turtles and such amazing sea life! Snorkeling with many different types of fish, experience the incredible cliffs up close, receive a back in time narration on the history of the coastline. It is filled with immense beauty in Hawaiian history that we provide you.
When you get to see the coastline by boat you get a unique view from the water, at a pace that allows you to take everything in. With the added bonus of snorkeling underwater, you will also get to see an entirely different world than what is found on the surface – you will be able to interact with the amazing sea life that lies below.
So as you can see a boat tour is not only the best way to see the Na Pali coast, it is also one of the most economical and immersive experiences that you will have.