Na Pali Kai III
Dive in for the ultimate experience along the Na Pali Coast aboard the 49 foot catamaran the Na Pali Kai III. This vessel is equipped with powerful twin 315 hp Cummins diesel engines with Sea Fury surface drives that give a fast and comfortable ride.
Most Comfortable Vessel
This boat is said to be the most comfortable vessel touring the Na Pali coast at this time.
With all the modern amenities such as a large snorkel platform, fresh water showers, a spacious restroom, and forward facing cushioned and shaded seating, you will travel in comfort as you view the incredible scenery.
Daily west-side departures from the closest commercial boat harbor, Kikiaola Small Boat Harbor, offers the calmest sea conditions, longer snorkeling sessions, more time along the Na Pali, and the closest route to the Na Pali Coast Park.

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We are proud of our Captains & Crew
Come meet our wonderful crew and let them show you their backyard of the amazing Na Pali Coast!
Come meet our wonderful crew and let them show you their backyard of the amazing Na Pali Coast! You have many options for touring the Na Pali, but none give you so many people with such deep passion (as well as experience) with Na Pali.

Start your cruise today!

Telephone No.(808) 201-2495